Privacy Policy


Data collection by application form or other means

The collection of personal data provided voluntarily, will be made with an application form published on the web and on the emails that the users provide RB COMPONENTES, which will be included on an automatized file.

RB COMPONENTES will preserve this information once finished with the user to fulfil the legal necessary obligations. Also it will proceed to cancel the data collected when they stop being necessary for the purpose that was obtained.

Submitting of the form and newsleter subscription

When the user introduces the email on the newsletter, RB COMPONENTES proceeds to include the data on an automatic filing system for personal data, necessary for the correct use of the information service. This file is responsibility of RB COMPONENTES.

The personal data provided by the users will be used in compliance with the Personal data protection Act 15/1999 of December 13th (LPD), with the rights of access, rectification and cancellation stated on the law.

RB COMPONENTES undertakes not to use the data collected for any other purpose than to offer its information service and not to transfer them to third parties without the express consent of the user. Your information will be kept according to the time legally required

User rights
The user may exercise, with respect to the data collected on the accorded manner, the rights recognized by Organic Law 15/1999, 13th December, on the protection of personal data, and in particular the rights of access, rectification, cancelation of data or opposition. You can exercise your rights by request sent by ordinary mail or email.